What I learned about painter: painter doesn't like to paint small. It appears to be large filesizes or nothing. Tried another painting of a fat guy eating popcorn and as far as I can figure it's impossible to detail anything that I zoomed in to. Small brushes don't seem to affect the painting. Big brushes do. Go figure. I'm sure there's some function that lets me do itty bitty stuff but darned if I can find it.
Also the Devil May Cry fansub is available online. It looks really cool but the writing is terrible which is not helped by the comically incorrect translation.
wide brush strokes they may be bud man that looks cool, i gotto say i prefer this to the usual photo shop airbrushed looking texture,
yeah I was happy with the result myself... but my compy can't handle huge files in painter (Imagine using the smudge tool on the school computers on a res600 image and you get the idea) so anything other than, say, portraits are hard because the actual brush has to be about the width of his whole head.
Hey, that looks really nice, and that water damage effect is cool too. I don't know how easy it is to control but the smudge near his mouth looks a little odd, like he's smoking or something, but maybe that's just me. All in all I have to agree with Sloth that texturey brushes blow Photoshoppy airbrushes out of the water. Which version of Photoshop do you have? It might be possible to do the base painting in Painter and then do some finishing detail stuff in Photoshop with one of the odder brushes in there...
Well this portrait did get some "photoshop touchups"... it was technically only a grayscale when I took it out of painter... the water damage and the colour and the little detail on the eyes was photoshop. That was also my plan on the fat man but I couldn't even get the grayscale working again because of the brush size issue. I think I may have puzzled out a solution now though so we'll see if I have time to try it out later this week.... ohh it's all very exciting, isn't it?
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