I'm a posting maniac. I haven't had a lot of work to do lately so I've been doodling.... lots. I also recently discovered that french "plague doctors" from the 1600's (I think) have ridiculously cool costumes. That's the little vulture-looking doodle on the doodle page. I wanna do a trio of them.
They also beleived that man did his thinking with his heart and that the brain was just the body's heat exchanger. We now know that this is not true for most people.
Holy crap I love that little dog. You should come draw dogs with me at Trout Lake sometime!
tour lake.... that's in commercial, yeah? That'd be fun! I don't think I've ever been there.
Plague Doctor eh? Sounds like something from WoW.
Coolest thing is that their equipment consisted mainly of a poking stick. Plus the mask which was stuffed with herbs to keep the plague-air at bay.
Yay doodle mania!
Who is Kirby?
Kirby's a dog that's at work sometimes. He's kind of a coward so he doesn't come around visitting much.
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