Monday, December 17, 2007

When you're this Freezie, they call you "Mister"

So there's this kid on the bus wearing a green checkerboard snowboard suit that could have easily accommodated four other people. I wanted to see it inflated. Then I figured you'd need a bubble helmet to keep the air in. Then he morphed into Mr. Freeze and he got drawn with a freeze gun (that's what that is, yeah). End of anecdote. In other news Merry Christmas everybody! probably my last pre-Christmas post unless I get bored in Winnipeg which is unlikely because there's a lot of drinking to be done! Have one yourselves! Have a few and have a great holiday!


Sloth said...

hes holding that gun as if it were a baby, he he good, but doesn't come close to the awesomeness of arnies mr freeze costume , that was the peak of that characters existence!! ICE TO SEE YOU!!!

Tealin said...

Yay blog fodder! How very seasonal.

Anonymous said...

Nice one Sean, have a Merry Christmas, that OUZO will be getting cracked next week...stay warm buddy and thanks for the instructions.

Sean Covernton said...

Thanks all and Merry Christmas Everybody!

Sean said...

I agree with Sloth.

Heh, "Chill out" and "Cool off" never gets old.

Skid Knee said...

say hi to winnipeg for me