Well here we go folks. Without much of a plan I am firing myself, as though from a mighty cannon, to London, where will spend a good amount of time in museums and a variety of notorious places. I will then travel to Ireland and enjoy some quality time with my good buddy Mike who is kindly providing me with a home base from which I shall go on little adventures about the island. Then onto Granada to enjoy a little warmth before I journey back to good old fashioned Canada.
So before I go here's that pesky animation that got one total redo and I'm (as usual) not completely happy with.
One surprise piece. It's an unfinished test of The Collector. Sort of an initial design. His face will be getting a redo as his eyes don't read at all. Also they're splayed over so many layers they're hard to manage. Hence the test. More to come from this mysterious fellow later!
Until then, faithful readers,
Have a lovely February and March!
Enjoy the Olympics!
And don't burn the damn place down while I'm gone, eh?