Well folks, old contract almost done, onto new things. Hopefully my blogfolio will get updated in the next few weeks and a new demo reel will be up and functioning! Very exciting! In other news... I'm not quite done with summer. I need at least one more good weekend of beaching... but ... sniff sniff... is that the alluring scent of fall in the air? I can break out the sweatervest and tweed soon...!
Oh and here's some pics from Fright Fest. We don't have a pic of the jail set with all the cool masonry jar candles alight (An idea I ripped off from the Pumpkinrot blog, go check him out!) but we do have some good pics from the Mansion set which we recycled from last year's CityTV set that we built. The guy peering through the door is my buddy Ben and I'm the guy eating the rat (hard to see in the pic but I'm

ripping its latex intestines out because that's how I roll)

Also a huge thanks to Deadspider for going around and taking photographs pro-style with your pro-style tripod!